Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Sandra Dee =D
And when the whole world walks out on you and your alone a friend comes in your life and just puts a smile on your face.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Betrayal Drink the Pain Away

"Love is whatever you can still betray. Betrayal can only happen if you love (LeCarre, John 1931)." It is bad enough when a stranger or foe betrays you, but when it is someone you believed to be a close and trusted friend, partner, or spouse, it is especially hurtful. It might feel like you were taken advantage of, deceived, humiliated, despised, cheated, or stabbed in the back. Oftentimes it comes as a surprise. That is why it is so painful. You would not expect to be hurt so badly from someone you thought you could trust. So you are left in disbelief and unbelievable pain.
While he got sent to war that day, he kissed her goodbye leaving her in her home by herself. She promised him when he gets back he and her can finally start a family and everything will be perfect. He left with no doubt that she will be faithful to him and wait until he comes back. He should have known that she wouldn't.
He came back unexpectedly that day, heard laughter from her with not even the slightest idea of what she was really doing. He went into their bedroom and found her in bed with one of his best friends. He didn't know what to do so he just walked away. He walked to a bar near his home and drank whiskey. He drank all his pain away, but still couldn't get her out of his mind. He kept drinking, spending his whole life trying to forget her little at a time. Until the night came that he drank until he died. We can say that there, he finally drank away her memory. He died in a motel he rented to spend the night, he was found the next morning with his head laid down on his pillow, with a note by his side that said: "I'll love her until I die." They had the funeral the next day, all his friends and family where there including her. Everyone spread rumors about her, but yet no one knew how much guilt and pain she had within herself. She too started to drink away his memory. No matter what other guys she had, she would always kick them out take out the whiskey and drink until she wasn't even conscious. She drank in her home, but she didn't seem to take away his memory. She drank her life away and was found in her bed the next day dead just like him. They buried her right by his side.
He loved her and she loved him, but her betrayal ruined it. "They put that bottle to their head and pulled the trigger"; was their quote. With this story you can see that betrayal affects people so much it even brings them to their death. With me, well let's just say that your teenage years are the hardest in your life and it is where you discovered who truly matters and who is really going to be there with you throughout it all. Having everyone liking you and being very popular in school is really not that important because eventually you discover that all those people you call "friends" are nothing but liars that abandon you. Yes, you yourself might make mistakes and not open your eyes to see out of the box. But when you start to realize something you didn't even see and ask for a second chance that is when they turn their backs on you. One minute your loved by the entire world and the next you just end up all alone. I have learned to put on a fake smile so no one can see the real pain inside me. I have also discovered that Karma really does exist and it's out there to get every single one of us.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Twilight Next Chapter:)
Everyone has heard of the most popular Book Sieres: The Twilight Saga. Which has now recently turned into movies, and are too very popular. It started out as a forever immortal having nothing but intense blood-lust for a human. Soon that blood-lust turned into love between both of them, and that love went through so much to become something more than love. It ended up with them marrying, Bella had a baby who was half vampire half human, Bella herself turned into a vampire, and Jacob's love from Bella disappeared and turned to care and love for her baby, everyone had a good happily ever after ending. So you ask yourself what could go wrong? Now if I had the power in my hands to write the next book in the life of Bella and Edward things would be a little different. Maybe even the one you least expected would be the one full of darkness and evil.
It would all start where we left off, in the forever happily ever after of Newly-married Vampires Edward and Bella Cullen. Living in that little cottage by the forest that they loved and with their newest member of the family who is growing at rapid speed, baby girl Renesmee. Bella would be going to college and Edward would have to work with Bella's dad Charlie in the Police Department. So, it leaves us that Jacob would have to babysit Renesmee since he is well imprinted with her, all he can do right now is take care of her until the day comes that she is old enough to love him and he loves her the way it should be.
But, there is something unusual about Renesmee, not counting the part where she is growing at rapid speed. She hides some kind of evil inside her and it's hard to figure her out sometimes. Bella and Edward will grow worried about her and take her to the volturi to give her some kind of what we would call "exorcism." The Volturi would be so amazed about her power that no matter how evil it is they will not be able to get rid of her. So, without Edward and Bella, or any other vampire knowing the Volturi will join Renesmee with her evil power. Sooner or later she will take over them and become their queen of darkness. They will plan an evil plot on how to get rid of the human race and drink all their blood whenever they want; and they will turn against their own kind and get the Vampires to become their slaves so, Renesmee and the Volturi will rule the world.
My next chapter will be full of suspense, romance, and action. It will grasp the readers attention from the very first page. But maybe it will have a happy ending? Maybe Jacob with his love can get some of Renesmee's vampire soul back and show her that evil will get her nowhere. Or maybe Jacob's love for Renesmee will be so big that he won't even consider right from wrong and join her too. Throughout the end Jacob will sacrifice himself for Renesmee and die so she can get her vampire-humanity back. Renesmee will save her Parents from the Volturi killing them, and the rest of the human race as well. Then, she will finally find her true love and from there we can say that the Twilight Saga will finally be over.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Miles Apart but together in Heart:)
"A part of you has grown in me.
And so you see, it's you and me
Together forever and never apart,
Maybe in distance, but never in heart."
"Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you're close in heart."(Knudsen,Kay)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
My Time Of Courage:)
"It takes a kind of shabby arrogance to survive in our time, and a fairly romantic nature to want to."(-Friednebreg, Edgar Z. ) Courage and Bravery happens all the time in your life. Even when you don't even notice it. In my opinion, as were growing up we start to realize what courage is all about; and while where growing and living we experience many things in which we actually had to have courage and bravery without even noticing it. Courage doesn't make you your own unique person, the way that you deal and handle with courage throughout your life is what makes you your own unique self.
Courage and bravery is about all the little and big things that matter most in your life. Either positive or negative, it's whether you took the challenge of being brave and courageous to handle it, or if you just wimped out and denied it. In my life there are many things that had happened to me that made me take courage and be brave. One that I would like to share is when I pretty much had to choose between my mother or getting a good education.
It all started around the end of May 2oo7 we recieved that phone call from the person I called my dad. After three months in jail, it was decided that he was getting deported back to Mexico. My mother told me the news, it did hurt me that I would never see him again, but at the same time I really didn't care. Our lives were much better without him anyway. Then, the other next big shocker came, my mom told me that we are moving to Mexico with him as well. Now that was something that just hit me, I didn't know how to handle it so I just ran into my room and called my used to be best guy friend and told him the news first. He was completely torn, then I was using the computer at the same time and I IMed my best friend and my used to be other best friend and told them. Unlike me, they freaked. Weeks passed and I just forgot about it, then I noticed my mom start packing and putting things away. That's when I realized I just had to face reality and accept it too. So throughout my last days I packed, and made memories with my friends.
My brother had his wedding July 19, and we left the very next day. In the morning my brother and his wife came to say goodbye, and my brother told my mom and me that his wife's family would be more than happy to take me in so that I can have a good education and life, plus still have my friends. My mom without hesitating said: "No, no way." Just like that, but after a little thinking she realized maybe it is the best thing for me, so we came to the agreement that I would still leave with her and that it was up to me if I wanted to go back to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
In the end, I decided to come back. It was a little difficult, but I did it. So far, I am alright with my life, I had many benefits. Lots of good things and bad things have come. But sometimes I just sit alone and let my mind think free. I ask myself what would it have been like if I decided to stay with my mom? Maybe I could have avoided something terrible that happened to her over in Mexico. She's fine now, at least that's what she makes me think. But I feel guilty because I feel like I have abandoned my mother, and I realized nothing in the world is better than to have the love and care of your own mother. Even sometimes I think that she chose my dad over all of us, she didn't have to go with him. I don't have anything against her, I just ask myself why?
In conclusion what I am trying to say is that this has been the hardest, yet the best two years for me. It's something were I really have showed bravery and courage. Since I haven't seen my mom I felt like there has been an empty space inside me that hurts very much; and the saddest thing is I don't even have a picture of her. I talk to her every once in a while, but I have felt that no matter what, my empty space will never be healed. When I met someone very special in my life it seemed to be healing slowly, but of course never forgotten. It's not that I forgot about my friends either, they helped me a lot, but that person has something. I don't depend my life on that person I just know that if I didn't have that person today, I don't know where I would be. I feel as if that person saved me.
I am Holocaust Poem
I Am
I am worried and panicked
I wonder if someone will start the war and try to eliminate a race once again
I hear the cries and screams of jews begging for their life
I see the jews burning and dying slowly and painfully
I want the world to be at peace
I am worried and panicked
I pretend that we all love eacho ther like a big family
I feel hopeful and joyful
I touch the places where they all died
I worry what racism will take us to
I cry because there's so much hate in the world
I am worried and panicked
I understand that this is just one world and we take it for granted
I say that one person cannot control our minds
I dream jews will one day be forgive everything we have caused them
I try to act like it never happened
I try to act like it never happened
I hope racism will one day stop once and for all
I am worried and panicked