Just some of the gurls lol my life=]
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
"My Sophomore Year":)
My Sophomore year has been great. I can truly say that this is one of my best years yet, it has taught me about life, and how I have grown out of my childhood to becoming a young adult and a great person in life. When I look back into my other years of school it may seem that they have gone really slowly, but the truth is that I just didn't take up all my time to experience everything in my other years of school like I have this one; And I can honestly say that this year has gone by in a blink of an eye, but so have my other years I just haven't really noticed it. I still have all my memories that I would like to share.
I have learned many things academically this year. I am proud that I have overachieved myself and moved on to Algebra II/Trigonometry. In the beginning of the school year I really didn't want to be in that class because first of all it was just to darn hard, and I didn't have any of my friends in that class. I thought I was going to be a loner, but I discovered that I can make many different kinds of friends, and that's exactly what I did. I also pushed myself and worked my butt off in that class to gain my perfect A+, it was a long road, but next year is going to be even harder in Calculus but I am ready for it. I also discovered a whole new way of writing for me. This blog thing has really worked out and pushed my writing skills to a whole new level. This year I was stuck in one class that at first I really didn't want to be in. For me it was just a waste of time, I wasn't into it at all. With time I discovered that I had a talent and that I love that class more than anything. That class happens to be Chorus, believe it or not, but singing can be really challenging! One of the hardest classes for me this year has got to be AP Spanish Literature. That class took me to a whole new level! It isn't just normal Spanish its Advanced Placement Spanish which requires high level reading. Me and reading in Spanish just don't make a good connection, but again I pushed myself hard enough to have an A in that class and to take the AP Test which I am pretty sure I passed. My other classes I have to say were a swift. I passed them pretty easily, so next year I am going to take AP in mostly all my classes except for my electives.
Besides all my hard work in school I still had time to party it up with my friends, meet my other-half, and keep up with soccer. I had lost friends, but at the same time I had gained many more. During high school you eventually discover that some friends won't always be there for you, or that they are nothing but a bunch of lies. I honestly don't have nothing against those girls, if they ever need me I will be there for them in a flash, I am just glad to say that they are out of my life and I don't have to deal with their drama. I also lost one of my very close guy friends due to a silly little high school drama act, but I proudly say that we are working out our differences as we speak and we are getting much closer than ever. He will always be my forever friend. There is this one girl though that I've known for about five years, and oh my, the adventures I have had with her! She is like my soul sister, I really am speechless to what to say about her, except that I love her with all my heart. All my other friends I thank for filling out a little piece of my heart. Throughout high school you find many crushes, hook- ups and boyfriends. But I think I found my other half. I know I may be too young to say that I am in love, but I just don't know how to explain how I feel about that guy. Though we are not together any more, we are still closer than pancakes. This year I have also started to go out more and party it up, I've met many new people and I am glad that I had met them because then, I will be able to tell my children a whole bunch of stories about my young life.
With friends, school, and just having fun. I still have time to play the sport that I love. It's Soccer. To some girls it may seem weird to be playing soccer because it seems like such a guy sport, but in my opinion it's not. I had loved and watched soccer all my life. But it wasn't until several years ago that I had started playing it. This year me and my girls really want to win a lot more and we are working hard already practicing and practicing. Those girls mean everything to me, the memories that I have built with them are unforgettable. Just when I am having a bad day, I go out to practice with them and my world turns completely around. I can proudly say that I am the teams Captain and Goaly. Our practices are hard, but really fun, and the best thing about it all is that we all have so much heart and love for the game that it's just hard to explain. Those coaches that we have are the best! There is definitely no one like me and my girls, and everyone better watch out because this year we're heading out for many more wins!
I don't think that I have changed, but when I actually take the time to think about it I have changed and very much. Physically, I look more mature and women like, even though I am not that tall. My attitude about always sucking up the negative energy and holding grudges has changed. I have discovered that no matter how bad things may get there is always something to smile about, and you shouldn't let the negative bring you down. Also, you can accept new people in your life and call them mom and dad, not replacing your real parents, but having them seal that broken place your parents left you; Still knowing you have real parents that care for you even though they have made lots of mistakes with you, and their other children.
The days go by and by and before you know it you are on the road to start your own life and your own family. It may seem that throughout the days nothing changes, but when you take a look back everything is different. As I write this, I look back and take the time of looking at everything that has changed in my life and say to myself "wow, I have been through so much." But I realize that this is just the beginning, God puts all these things in my life because he knew that I can overcome them, to become the person that I would want to become in my life. I know that I am on the right path, and I have a plan for my future. Also, I know that plans do change, and you can't tell what the future has in hold for you, you just know that it will all be worth it at the end. So my last words for this is "Goodbye Sophomore and hello JR!"
Sunday, May 23, 2010
My Anything Essay:Memories:)6.08.2009-3.31.2010
Where to start, well this year has been great. A year I will never forget no doubt about it. Before you realize it, your life goes by in a blink of an eye and you never take the time to sit back and just go through all the memories you have made this year or in your life time. My most cherished memory didn't happen during school, it happened during the summer. Around June 8 or close to those days was when everything changed. It was during my friends Quinceanera practices to be exact. When you look at a person for the first time you have no idea that he will mean something very special to you. It started out with a simple glance at him, and in my mind "o wow look at him, what a whore." Not even with the slightest idea that in his mind all he wanted to do was meet me. He tried talking to me, I ignored him. So he got close to one of my friends trying to get to know me through her. In a way it seemed that he wanted my friend instead of me, but that was not the case. Then, on one of those practices we ended up being partners for the day, everything was so comfortable and so much fun with him, but the practice soon ended and we went home.
The next day there was practices and again we ended up being partners ending the day with the fun and joy of yesterday. That night my friend had asked me if I liked him, guiltily I said no because in my mind I felt that in a way she liked him. But I left it like that, then she said that he text ed her asking for my number, ignoring her question I just continued on with the conversation me and her were having. She ended up giving him my number, without me answering her. He text ed me and I text ed him back we text ed throughout the whole night until I fell asleep on him. The next day he text ed me good morning and from there we text ed throughout the entire day. Everything felt so right when we text ed it was the best feeling I ever had, just unexplainable. Finally, we were texting in the night around 11:24 not exactly sure, and he had asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him. I said: "Como amigos o algo mas? eske no kiero any misunderstandings como lo de Jasmelly", and he said "yo kiero mas ke amigos, pero its up to u=)" then I said "okai=)". Not knowing what was going through his mind he said "a mi me gustaria ser mas ke amigos empezando desde ahorita o ke piensas tu:).?" I answered "alfin! ya era tiempo ke me preguntes ya ganas tenia t darte una cachetada lol claro ke me gustaria ser mas ke amigos desde ahorita:))." and that was the moment that I felt that I could run around the world 30 times. Its silly if you think about it that you can spend so much studying trying to memorize something, yet you can remember everything with exact detail that happened in one little summer night.
Ottmar and I have been through lots of things together with the little time we've been and known each other. With late night phone calls that last up to six hours, to fighting with our parents because they wouldn't let us see each other, to dealing with little jealous acts, to dealing with life like school, friends, family problems, but we never gave up on each other because together was the only way we could have dealt with it.
To make the story short that guy ended up meaning everything to me. It may seem silly to say that I am "in love" with him because of my young age, but I believe that love is not about the age, or giving up your virginity, or how many years have you been with someone. It's a wonderful feeling and it's up to you and your partner to keep that feeling alive no matter how hard things may get. I have to be honest with myself and say that me and Ottmar have hurt each other a lot. I lied, cheated, and hurt his heart many times, and Ottmar well he has sometimes taken me for granted or just forget about me, and hurt my own heart at times. We've broken up for good right now, he has a life to look up ahead of him. I would like to be included in that life, but I am just not ready for that, I am just a 16 year old sophomore soon to be JR, I might not even be mature enough for that yet. I need to enjoy my high school life go out with friends, do things I am not supposed to and simply get in trouble.
You might read this and say what an idiot. If you have the perfect guy for you why don't you just grow up and accept him? I know that all these things don't even matter because sooner or later I will have to think about my future to, and what if letting him go was the biggest mistake I have ever made? He said many times from back in September, November, and the last time in March that he will come back. But he also said that we will make it and life won't get in the way of our relationship, and that didn't quite turn out as we had planned. All I have to say is that if destiny wanted us to be together it will find a way and re-unite us again, hopefully our stubbornness and little acts of jealousy won't keep that from happening like it is at this moment. It's so hard to learn to say goodbye to someone after so many memories that you had created. If at the end nothing works out and everything just falls apart all I have to say is that I will keep on with my life and the joy he has brought to me and that he will always have a piece of my heart and will be a memory I will never forget because I truly do love him.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I love butterflies.=] To me they are the most beautiful and freest creatures in the world. Their lives are not that long but oh just imagine the adventures they may have!.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wisdom Quotation:)
"No matter how bad your life may seem, when you least expect it you find something or someone that can make a smile shout out a thousand and one meanings and see all life positive again." I am 16 years old and as I sit here I say to myself: "What if today was the last time I get to live on this planet?"
Before you know it, life goes by in a blink of an eye. It seems that just yesterday I was learning to ride a bike, and starting kindergarten. Already I thought I was so grown up just because I was starting school. It's funny to think that when you look back you get to see all the foolish silly little mistakes you made and just laugh at them. Then came middle school and I thought I had all my life planned ahead of me, but as unexpectedly as it is, your plans change quite often too.
Being 16 years old today I can quite say that I have been through a lot in life. That there are moments when everything just comes tumbling down and I don't even want next day to come. When you're a teenager it's easy to say "oh I wish I was dead! I hate my life!" When you say that in front of an 85 year old person, it seems ridiculous to them, because they know how to value life at their old age,even if they didn't when they were younger. Even with all the negative that jams up in your life, just take a deep breath, relax and look at the positive side of it, and believe me you'll be surprised at the things you can dig up.
I myself took a look at the good things in my life and put a smile on my own face. Its not about the things, its about the people in your life that make it great. If today was my last day, I would thank each and every person that made me smile, because somehow they made a difference in my life. I would tell my Nephew Mateo and Niece Zalea everything I have learned throughout my life; Ottmar well, I would thank him for all the moments we spend together and let him know the significantly difference he has brought to my life; And I would just spend some time with myself and be happy with the person I became these 16 years.
In conclusion to this. I accepted myself and learned that life is hard. Only when your a kid it may seem ever so easy, and the most you worry about is if your going to get that toy. Even though it's a lot of work life is the most beautiful and valuable thing this world has for us because though your life isn't so great just know that somebody else has it worse.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Person for a day:) Living the Dream

Born on February 5th, 1985 on the Island of Madeira, Christiano Ronaldo has been playing soccer as far back as he can remember. He began playing for a youth team in Madeira, where his dad was the teams equipment manager. He was such a huge success on that Island that he had to step up his talent and move away from his family to play for Sporting Lisbon's Youth Team. At first it was difficult for him because he missed his home, and his teammates would make fun of him because of his accent but, that didn't stop him at all.
Even though all the kids made fun of his accent no one made fun of his soccer skills. Christiano Ronaldo has dazzling footwork and goal-scoring touches that made him a teenage star. He played his very first game for Sporting Lisbon in the Portuguese Super League when he was 17, quickly he became very popular and known as one of the youngest exciting soccer players in the world! All his talent paid off and soon he had the attention of Manchester United manager, Alex Ferguson, who bought Christiano Ronaldo from Sporting Lisbon for a good $20 million dollars! He scored the opening goal for Manchester in the 2004 FA cup victory, and helped Portugal get to the finals at Euro 2004.
Ever since then Christiano Ronaldo has become a legend. Being one of the youngest, best looking, and best players for United. He has been going a long way, and there is still much more to expect from him. He wears number 17 and seven, which is the number of the former Manchester star, David Beckham. If only I could be him for a day having his success and talent oh so happy I would be. Soccer is only temporally I do know that, but what a dream it is to become professional, and play for as long as you possibly can.