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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Book Report-->Memoirs of a teenage amnesiac:))

The book I have recently finished this week is called Memoirs of a teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin. Naomi a former high school junior conks her head falling down the stairs and from there she can't remember anything since 6th grade. She is by then very startled by her present life. Including, the birth control pills she has, her recent boyfriend and best friend, and her parents divorce. Eventually her memories return, but it leaves her questioning if she likes her new life now with her new romance and friends, she can't decide which of her two lives represents her most authentic self.

I really enjoyed this book because it makes you put yourself in the protagonists own shoes. What would you do if you couldn't remember your past and you had the opportunity to start all over.? That's the question that I gave myself while reading this book. Some people think it's better to forget the past, because that way they don't remember all the bad things that has happened to them. I myself sometimes feel like that too, it's like if you could run away from all you problems everything would be a lot better. For example on love, when someone breaks your heart you simply can't get them out of your mind, some people will do anything to get them back, and it's simpy not healthy. It is better off to forget someone you loved, the easy way then doing it the hard way.

If you forget your past and start all over you might discover that you really weren't happy with the type of person you were, and your paradigm of looking at things. That gives you a new opportunity to change that. Like Naomi did, she discovered that she was really a snobby typical teenager. She had a jock for a boyfriend which she didn't really understand why was she so into him, and she really never gave her mom an opportuniy to let her make up for her mistakes. Throughout the story Naomi grew as a character and she ended up being absolutely amazing. She dropped her friends which really were backstabbing her all the time, and she let herself find more romance. A true romance she thought she would never feel.

All in all, losing your memory from a blow to the head from falling down the stairs isn't really a typical everyday good thing, but sometimes it can be a really good thing in your life. God always works in mysterious ways, sometimes we just might not understand why certain things has happened to us or why we meet the people we meet. All we know is that there's a reason for everything, and no matter what you just got to make the best of it, like Naomi did. Who knows you might just discover your true self along the way.

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