"This human World of ours would be inconceivable without the practical existence of a religious belief" (Hitler,Adolf). Religion, take a second to think and realize that without this we are nothing. Since the very first human beings that have walked this earth we have had many ways of religion. Just alone in the United States of America Religious beliefs have shaped literature, politics, philosophy, writing, poetry, culture, and even the social sciences. Today in the Western Civilization it has compromised the broad heritage of social norms, ethical values, traditional customs of religious beliefs, and specific artifacts and technologies shared with the western sphere of influence. When we talk about Western we often refer to Asian, African, Native American, or Arab nations. But this is affecting the entire world, including the Politics in the United States today and in the Southwest of New Mexico.
The Judeo-Christian Paradigm is very important in America. But before we start to talk about that, lets go way back and find out what the heck Judeo-Christian means. Religion came from England coming to America. Judaism gave birth to Christianity and pretty much all the other religions. It started out with Judaism, then Jesus and from there formed all the other religions tens and thousands of decades long ago. From then on it has shaped our traditions, music, religious beliefs, philosophy, art, beauty, and eventually everything in the world. Judeo-Christianity is what has brought up America, it has given its values to America. For the majority of America Judeo-Christian is the common culture. Judeo Christian is the moral accountability for the individual rather than a group. We practice the life of what was left of the Monks. For example, our churches are still schools. They still teach us things and we pray like they used to back then. We have rituals as in Baptisms and we celebrate them. The churches are still in the league from generation to generation, we just aren't as traditional and strict as the Monks. Church for them was literally a school, Church for us is more like a gathering now in days. Another thing that the Monks have practiced is how they identified themselves. They wore poncho like hoods that meant their I.D.'s. Today we at Atrisco as students and Faculty, we were I.D.'s also, but they are just little badges, with clips or with the liner’s. Even with simple things like putting air in a balloon is what is left from the Monks, back then in order to play the Organ they had to step on a balloon like thing to get some air in it to fill it up and play the instrument. Now we just blow on a balloon, or use oxygen to fill it up. See everything that happened around the 1500's affects the way we live our lives today.
Since America was the first and only country defined as Judeo-Christian Culture we are all suppose to follow that culture, and we are all welcomed in this country. You can see it all the time everywhere when people put the American Flag up and say "In God We Trust", we don't point it out literally but it's pretty clear that America is not welcoming the Muslims or Atheist. The Statue of Liberty has it written on her base that everyone is welcomed in this country, "bring me your poor your huddled masses. . etc" yea we may seem that we welcome everyone in this country to have a better and free life but yet we built big border walls trying to keep the "brown" people away, because were bad and we try to take over etc. But not the Canadians no, they are free to walk in and out as much as they like to. People from China, Europe, or India come along and we are as happy as ever. How come America only allows certain people into the country to come freely? It's not just the people who come in America its also your type of Sexual Orientation that defies you from good and bad in this country. People don't really notice but only 5 States in the U.S. allows same sex marriage. Apparently if your different as everyone else now you are going to die and burn in hell.
Judeo-Christian throughout history has also shaped Politics in America. Everyone had to have the same beliefs back then it wasn't until the 1900's when we had our first Catholic President. But still many people who were running in the office who had different belief were having a difficult time because of their differences. In 2008 we had our first ever African-American President in History and many Republic-Americans are boiling up their anger up to this day because they are so bothered at the fact that he Barrack Obama is our President. They are doing the impossible to get everyone against him, they are even saying things like Obama is a Muslim or that he is not a true American-Citizen. I think its great that Obama is president, it doesn't matter what religion, or color he is. Obama is serving our country and we as Americans have lost our teachings and our way, to go disrespect him like that.
Religion has taught us many great things, but even it isn't perfect. Religion first started with Judaism and from there it has spread and created a big religion tree. There are so many religions and cultures out there in the world but the reality is that religion has taught us to not accept others because they are different or believe different from us. You are to know that everyone is welcome in the eyes of god, but yet why can't we let in people from different religions, or homo-sexual people? Back then, people who were left-handed were meant to be evil and from the devil, but eventually that got changed and they were just accepted. It's not their fault that they are left-handed its just the way their brain works, the way they were born. The same goes for Homo-sexual people they can't help it.
Religion will forever be a part of our creation from our ancestors it has been passed down from generation to generation. It's not as strict or formal now but I know for a fact that many, many people out there in the world depend on this, or they would be lost. It's part of our souls, it's what makes us, us. Even though we are meant to follow rules from the 1500's nothing says that they can't be changed up, because times have definitely changed and what was once wrong 2000 years ago, is very different now in the 2010.