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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Book Report:Tell Me Who:))

The book that I have read this week is called Tell Me Who by Jessica Wollman. In my opinion, this book was quite silly and fun. It was based on the magical world of future telling, and psychic readings, but with a whole new twist. It has a whole girly kick to it, so if you like girly, fun, silly books you will definitely enjoy this one. It really wasn't my type of book, but I like to try new things. I finished this book pretty fast it was a bit challenging, but not quite enough for me.

It starts off with 12 year old, best friends Molly and Tana, at Molly's house playing a silly game of "light as a feather stiff as a board". They both, especially Tana, have always been obsessed with magical and psychic games that tell the future and things like that. After they realize that the game doesn't really work, they get sent to clean up the basement by Molly's future step mom "the claw". That's where they discover an antique machine that accurately predicts who you are going to marry. The problems just start spilling from there because Molly doesn't like her future husband, which is a stinky 5th grader, but Tana gets head over heals by her prince Edmund future husband. They name it The Who Meter, which eventually turns into the Ew-Meter, and they start charging kids from all over their school to find out their future spouse. Things start to get even more out of hand when the most popular girl at school finds out she is going to marry seven times, and the most popular boy at school never ends up marrying at all. That's when Molly knows the Ew-Meter is trouble and she tries to do everything she can to change the readings and not have "the claw" as her step mom or the stinky 5th grader as her future husband.

They face little struggles and their friendship gets in big jeopardy, but Molly and Tana save the day at last. I enjoyed reading this book because it was a cute adventure and it brought back memories when I was in middle school and the little drama my friends and I had that we made such a big deal out of. It took me away from this stressful high school life and brought back all the little silly adventures I had of my own. I don't really like books like this, but once in a while it won't hurt, just to have a little laugh and enjoy the book.

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