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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Assignment #19--> "My very short story" =))

One evening as he sat there drinking a wine glass of Vodka, sitting by the windowsill, looking at his wife sleep, he looked back on all the things he has done in his short 32 years of life. Remembering back everything, he decided that so far his life is pretty good, but yet there was one person that made a drastic change in his life.

It started in the summer of his senior year in High School. He met a girl, from the minute that she turned around and looked at him, he instantly fell in love. Though it was rather hard to convince her, they finally ended up dating.

Three weeks and it ended, two months later and they were back. It seemed that it was for good, but oh did life get in the way. Almost ending the school year they broke up, which was to say "this time for good". Throughout all that time he couldn't get her off his mind, finally eight months later they decided to try it out one last time, from there marriage was the plan.

They got engaged right after he finished college, but they were living together in the meantime. While they were making dinner, he received a phone call that had made a change to all their plans. The phone call told him that he will be sent out to war in the next days. They were both devastated, they were going to get married that same week just to make it official, but never got to it. There was always something in the way. Finally he left to war, and she didn't hear from him in months.

One day while she was making dinner, and watching the news she saw a report on the War. On how everybody should be home now, and only a few were lost. She was in utter shock and confusion. She knew she would have heard from him, if they were released already. That same evening a friend of her fiance from War came to visit and told her everything about the War. She didn't have any answers about why he hadn't come home already.

A whole year had passed and still nothing of him. She decided to move on with her life no more waiting for him. His friend gave her lots of company throughout the difficult year, and they ended up falling in love. Three years later and they got engaged, she moved out of the house and moved in with him. A few days before her wedding, she went back to the house to collect some stuff she needed for the wedding. She came home to a big surprise.

Her love since High School that abandoned her was waiting for her at the front doorstep, arms wide welcoming her back. She had a whole book of emotions showing through her face. He explained her why he suddenly abandoned her. He said that right after the War he got a call saying he got recruited to go to England and play Soccer. All this time he has done nothing but play Soccer, but he wasn't happy, and he knew he had to come back for her.

Even though she thought it was cruel and horrible what he did she still had a lot of feelings stirring up from years and years of love they had. She now had to chose between her fiance or her first love. It was a tough decision, but she went for her first love, no one in the world can make her feel like he did, and she can't care enough about anyone else in the world besides him.

Her fiance was heartbroken, and moved away to another state he moved from her life, and started a new one. Later he became a big Soccer star in Mexico and was recognized all over the world. He had many loves now and then, but never found the one, like the one he had. He knew she wasn't meant for him, but either way he loved her.

So as this 32 year old man sat there looking at his love. His first love since High School. He couldn't believe how lucky he was, he got everything. The Soccer dream, and the love of his life, that gave him four kids, all together like a family living in England he couldn't ask for more.

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