We read the story The Black Cat during class. In this story, the narrator portrays a man who is fond of animals, had a tender heart, and is happily married. Within several years of his marriage, his general temperament and character make a radical alteration for the worse. He grows moodier, more irritable, and more inconsiderate of the feelings of others. This change for the worse caused by alcohol, ends in the narrator’s waiting on death row for the murder of his wife.
It's a simple story with so many human wisdom lessons that are a little hard to catch. The main human wisdom of this story is that "We hurt the ones we love." Without realizing we as human beings do this act all the time, is it a matter of fear of getting hurt ourselves, we don't know, but we always do this, and sometimes we take it too far and we can't erase our mistakes. The man clearly loved his Cat and his wife, but throughout time and because of the over-consumption of alcohol he turned into a monster that didn't have trust for anybody so he ended up killing the ones he loved the most.
The first Cat had unconditional love towards it's owner and trusted him completely. Animals are the most loyal friends you will have because they will always stick with you no matter what. When the owner mistreated the cats they always came back to him and loved him no matter what. The cats only saw how alcohol was ruining the man's life, but they couldn't do anything, but still love him and forgive him, and that's exactly what they did. In other words, they became the owner's conscience and the owner became so violent that he couldn't stand it. The owner took way too much advantage and lost them both. Unconditional love is the kind of love our parents have towards us because no matter what we say they will still love us because we are a part of them. Unconditional love comes in other circumstances too, no matter how much you hurt a person or a person hurts you, you still love them with all your heart and want to be with them. We as human beings mistreat this love, in fact it may be the worse kind of love, and might cause a lot of pain.
A wise man told me that "What you put out in the world is exactly what comes back." As in Karma. Now that I'm a little older and getting at an age were I am more mature I realize that this is true. What you do always comes back to you. Especially when you try to hide something your conscience will expose you and that's exactly what happened with the man. He thought it was all good his plan of hiding the corpse of his wife in the wall, but when the investigators appeared and as questions he became way too nervous, and of course he was busted. He will not only pay by rotting in jail, but he has to live with the image of his dead Cat and wife. That image will be haunting his dreams for the rest of his life.
You only live a life once, you really got to take advantage of it. Do not let alcohol or drugs take over your life, and turn you into something you are not. Don't hurt the ones you love, if you don't love them the right way you lose them and until then you will know how horrible you feel without them. The first step is admitting you are wrong and that you have a problem, then get help; Because if you don't you might have a story to tell just like this man did.
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